Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Hello there! Get more of what you love for FREE! Sale-A-Bration officially starts tomorrow!!! I'm helping to kick off this awesome promotion with a SAB Kick-Off Event on Saturday, January 6th. You won't want to miss out on this fun event, as I'm having a BOGO promotion to go along with it. You get to double-dip on the freebies, by earning FREE SAB products with every $50 order & get additional freebies from my Retired Stash!

Here's how it works: Place an order for $50 and pick out your FREE SAB product from the brochure-11 to pick from! Plus, new this year: Earn even bigger rewards when you spend $100-2 products to choose from. Then pick out $50(or order amount) from my Retired Stash for FREE! You'll be able to take some fun products home & get creating while you wait for your other goodies to get here:)

I'll have samples of the SAB offerings and brand new Occasions products! You'll even get to play with some of the new & exciting products so you can try them out before ordering! You'll also get you own copies of the SAB & Occasions Catalogs! Make sure you don't miss out on this fun event! Please let me know that you plan to attend so I can have your goodie bag ready for you!
Make plans to attend this Saturday from 11-1 at the Stampin' Pad. Even if you can't stay for very long, drop by to grab your catalogs & check out some of the brand new products in person...and grab some chocolate for the road:) I hope to hear from you soon! Thanks so much for stopping by:)


  1. Love the mini gable box, it looks like they are white are these the same as the ones in the catalog?

  2. Thank you Sherry! Yes, they are the silver ones in the catalog:)But actually you could probably turn them inside out & make them any color you want:)
